Don't Let Your Pets Suffer This Summer

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31 May 2024

Ready Pet Go proudly supports "Pet Hydration Month" this December

Heat Stroke and dehydration can be fatal for our pets.  Due to this, we are getting behind ‘Pet Hydration Month’ this December to help pets enjoy the summer as much as you do.

The Australian summer is known for great days at the beach, cricket, and BBQs around the pool.  However, when you start feeling the heat, know that your pets are feeling it more!  In this article, we will look at preventative measures we can take and what to do if our pets display the symptoms of heat exhaustion and dehydration.

The old cliché, ‘Prevention is better than cure is very true when it comes to our pets and the summer heatwaves.  With the hot weather, your pets could suffer from sunburn, heat stroke, dehydration and more.  The effects from exposure to the heat can have a dramatic impact on your pet within just a few minutes.  Unfortunately, it’s common for vets to see a large number of pets due to the heat of the summer months.  Thankfully there are a number of things we can do to help our pets avoid this situation.

How Much Water Does Your Pet Need?

HYDRATION is the most important way to protect our pets against heat stroke!  In the infographic on this page, you will see a guideline to the minimum requirements for daily water intake.  Our bodies are about 60% water, and we are recommended to have at least 2 litres of water per day.  Our pets are approximately 80% water, so their water requirements are proportionately a lot higher.  See our infographic below if you want to know how much water your pet needs.

Fresh, clean water (preferably cool), needs to be readily available for our pets, mainly through summer.  Drinkwell Pet Water Fountains have been designed by vets and experts to not only provide fresh, clean water but to also encourage our pets to drink.  We are supporting Drinkwell’s “Pet Hydration Month” this December.

We need to be aware of the symptoms indicating that heat may affect our pets.  The early signs to look out for include;

  • Excessive panting, rapid panting
  • Excess saliva or drooling
  • Laboured breathing
  • Distress
  • Abnormally coloured gums (red or pale gums) are a sign of inadequate oxygen supply to the tissues
  • Weakness, dizziness or lethargy
  • Vomiting and dry retching
  • Diarrhoea, especially if it contains blood

If your pet is showing any of these signs, take immediate action.  Start by cooling your pet immediately.  This can be easily achieved by soaking their coat in cool water (not icy freezing water).  Do not use a wet towel over them, as the towel traps the heat.  Use fans or air conditioning to ensure there is a lot of airflow around your pet.  This is especially important if you need to take the somewhere in the car.  Encourage them to be drinking water.

Always seek veterinary advice when your pet shows any of the above signs.

Never leave your pet in a car or the back of a ute!  It only takes minutes for this situation to become fatal.

Here’s to a great summer and festive season for you and your pets.